Real Life Remodel


While working on our clients' bathroom remodel last year, a redwood tree fell in their backyard. Here is the journey to creating a beautiful redwood bed and table.  We coordinated having the tree moved to Boulder Creek where it was cut into slabs.  We then cut the redwood slabs to the proper sizing and sent them off to Jackel Enterprises to kiln dry them.  Andi Orsini meticulously crafted the bed.  Our client generously donated the additional redwood slab to our new office for our conference table.  Here is the journey from the fall to the stunning furniture.

The Deeper Meaning of Remodeling - Real Life Images

We feel so blessed - we not only get to design and build beautiful spaces for our clients, we also get to build amazing relationships.  We love our job!  We love to see beautiful lighting that makes a family feel warm and comfortable in the evening, an island that everyone gathers around to share meals, ideas, and stories, a deck that lights up at night that allows families and friends to gather outdoors while still feeling warm and comfortable, and so many small and large details that go into making a family feel safe, warm, comfortable, and inspired by their home.  Here we share a few images from our new series "Real Life Remodel".

Party Central - What an island, what a spread.  Our client's birthday bash.

Dance party deck!  Our client's birthday bash.

Another birthday is almost over, but not quite.  Parties are is life at times.  Thank goodness for big islands and great lighting!